Let Fluorite help you with Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde occurs multiple times of year. The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, commerce, Wednesdays, our arms, and lungs – just to name a few items and topics. While Mercury is Retrograde we may feel stalled out, tired, slower moving, and just plain not able to get traction on projects. This is not the time to move forward – this is the time to reflect and see if new information is coming to the surface. I do not recommend signing contracts or starting new projects. This is a great time to go on vacation, although, call on patience as there might be delays.

As Mercury also rules the mental mind and is associated with the air element this is a time when during the Retrograde cycle there may be more mental chaos and we may not be able to make decisions so easily. To assist with this I highly recommend working with the Fluorite crystal. This is one I have been working more with my clients when they have come in for a healing session. Fluorite is one of the crystals of the Mental Trinity after all.

Fluorite helps with mental enhancement, clarity, and improved decision making. It clears confusion and balances the third eye. It comes in a variety of colors. Working with the Purple Fluorite will assist you with your connection to Spirit, while Blue Fluorite will assist with the throat chakra another area of the body that Mercury is associated with. This crystal is also related to Swords in a Tarot deck which is the mental suit.

Through working with Fluorite by carrying it around, holding in throughout the day, or keeping it on your desk or other locations in your home, Fluorite starts to harmonize the wind element and those scattered energies, assisting to clear away fog and confusion, quieting worried thoughts, anxiety and fear of the future, ultimately bringing order out of the chaos.

I hope you enjoy working with Fluorite just as much as I have. Mercury will station direct January 1st after being retrograde since December 13th, 2023. We will also see Mercury go retrograde again in April, August, and November of 2024. Knowing your Astrological Natal chart can help bring awareness to those areas of your life this retrograde cycle may be affecting. As one of the faster moving personal planets we will feel the affects of Mercury stationing to go Retrograde and Direct a few days on either side of this directional cosmic change.

Check out my podcast episode to learn more!



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